Towing Fee Schedule as of January 3, 2022

 Non-Consent Private Property Tow Fees

Towing Fees (Light Duty): $185.00

Drop Fee (On-site): $50.00

Drop Fee (Off-site): $125.00


Vehicle Storage Facility Fees

Impound Fee (For Services: Motor Vehicle Registration Inquiry,vehicle inventory,Securing vehicle doors/windows)

$21.03 plus tax

Daily Storage

$21.03 plus tax

A daily storage fee may be charged for any part of the day, except that a daily storage fee may not be charged for more than one day if the vehicle remains at the VSF less than 12 hours. A day is considered to begin and end at midnight.

Notification Fee

 $50.00 (Applied if vehicle has been at the VSF for no less than 24 hours and certified notice has been mailed.)


 TDLR Towing Certificate License # 005698764C / TDLR Vehicle Storage Facility License #0640276VSF